Green Gardening Products
There is no better place to stay green in your product choices than in your garden.
Green gardening products are available now a days online and in major stores and sometimes just require us to look harder..
There is no better place to stay green in your product choices than in your garden.
Green gardening products are available now a days online and in major stores and sometimes just require us to look harder..
Been looking to start your own square foot garden? It's a great concept that is extremely popular in the US.
Apart from the fact that the whole system is based on imperial measurements, it's really easy to do and work with.
The decision to go for 1.2m square rather than 1m is in recognition of the growing following for the square foot gardening principles. 1.2m is basically 4 feet, which is the recommended size to create a 4 foot square garden. This space is then divided into 16 x 1ft squares. It's a great gardening system and if you are not familiar with it I recommend having a look at the creators website
On first look I could see it was a solar powered pump, which is what we were looking for, but on further investigation I came across a concept that we will certainly look at integrating into the eWood Raised Garden Bed Kits.
eWood is the perfect material to build your next project with in the Garden.
Deciding on what material to use in your garden should not be easy!
Why? Because there are so many choices.